Dr. Karen Gurney . I spend my working week, trying to change people's relationships with sex. And the reason I do that is because, although we might think that sex is a kind of frivolous recreational pursuit. It actually isn't.. it's super important for our psychological well-being, for our relationship well-being. We know that when people have great sex their relationships last longer. We know that when people have great sex they're even more productive in work than next day. There are so many reasons why sex is important. But unfortunately as a society we've kind of got it all wrong about how sex works about what we should be doing. And because of that we have hugely High rates of dissatisfaction with people's sex lives in the UK but also worldwide. Kuhabiskan waktu kerjaku, untuk mengubah kualitas hubungan seseorang dengan seks. Dan ini alasanku melakukannya karena meskipun kita mungkin berpikir bahwa seks adalah kegiatan rekreasi yang ...