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Jack Maa on Moscow University -motivating on Level Up young

Hello everybody, thank you all for coming. My name is Olga Kotova, i'm the second years student of the physic departement. And today we are very happy, that we have this opportunity to talk Mr. Maa in person and to discuss to success story of his business and the technology he uses. Jack Maa, is the owner, of alibaba and the executive chairman. Eighteen years ago he founded this company his appartement in hangzhou china. Of Course you know of Ali Express, but it's just a small part of it. And today more than half of billion consumers shops online with Ali Baba. And Million of small enterprises sell the product, while through the company's trading platforms. And now it's no just the largest ecomerce company, it's the whole ecosystems that involves electronic payments, digital media, logistic, marketing cloud computing, and entertainment. 

Alibaba is responsible directly or indirectly for creating thirty million jobs. And At this point, in time when the company's market capitalization exceeds 450 billion US dollars the Jack says that the company only just getting started. And in his injection missions plans, they include creating more than 100million jobs and attracting 2billion consumers all over the world. So now jack, i would like to ask few questions and everybody will have this opportunity a bit later, so get your question ready and if you don't mind will them into Russian So everybody will understand us. 

Jack your personal story is incredibly inspiring goal is inspirational and you said that some your failures and rejections made contributed to your success and can you tell us more about that. 

Greeting from Jack Maa

Good afternoon, and thank you so much for inviting me. And i feel little bit nervous because the Moscow University is my idol. When I was child 

  • I learned so much aboud a Moscow 
  • learn so much about Soviet Union, 
  • learned so much about the all the things that are happening the size of Moscow University. 

And you guys are so smart, you know learning physics and chemistry and all this great stuff you. You know i'm not a good at learning schools, I failed for three times for entering university. In my life, i never thought i would be able to speak here. I never even brave enough to say i want to be a student of Moscow University. So thank you for inviting me, thank you for sharing. 

Selamat sore temen2, Terima kasih banyak telah mengundangku kesini. Dan tahukah kalian? aku merasa sedikit gugup karena Universitas Moskow ini adalah impianku. Saat aku masih kecil,

  • aku banyak belajar tentang Moskow. 
  • tentang Negara Besar Uni Soviet ini. 
  • dan juga tentu saja tentang Universitas Moskow yang megah ini. 

Dan kalian temen2, yang berkesempatan untuk sekolah disini adalah anak2 yang cerdas, anda menguasai fisika, kimia, dan hal2 yang menarik lainya. Asal kalian tahu ya, aku itu tidak terlalu pintar dalam pelajaran sekolah, tahukah apa buktinya? aku gagal tiga kali untuk masuk ke dalam jenjang perkuliahan. Benar2 di dalam hidupku, tidak pernah bermimpi untuk bisa bicara di depan kalian semua. Aku bahkan tidak cukup punya keberanian untuk bermimpi untuk jadi  Mahasiswa Universitas Moskow. Jadi terima kasih telah mengundangku, terima kasih telah berbagi.

Fail and Success

About the question that i have a lot of terrible experience, made a lot of mistakes, when i was young and child. I think, if you succeed every mistakes become a legenderay, if you fail that's just a garbage. You know i'm saying, i think everybody has great stories, everybody had a lot of mistakes. Everybody had a lot of problems but very few people listen to you. One day when you become succesful people listen to you. See WOW you're great. 
I'm not that great, I was born a  normal family and i'm not good at schooling, of course i tried to study hard. But as a boy, you know, my school was not that good at that time. So i felt looking for job, looking for joining university, joining goose goose. But i never give up. And i think there's one think i learned, why you should have a chance to be succesful. EVERYBODY should get used to fail, but not get used to be accepted by other people. Why other people should help you? You should earn the right to be helped. So the think i learned, is that don't give up, my opportunity has not come yet, when everybody complain, that is the opportunity. 

Aku memiliki banyak pengalaman (buruk), membuat banyak kesalahan, ketika masih muda. Jika kalian bisa sukses melewati kesalahan yang pernan kau lakukan, engkau akan menjadi seorang legend. Tetapi jika engkau gagal, itu akan menjadi sampah kehidupan. Setiap orang punya kisah yang menarik dalam hidupnya, setiap orang pernah melakukan kesalahan, setiap orang punya masalah masing2, tetapi sedikit orang yang mendengarkanmu.  Suatu hari, ketika engkau menjadi orang yang sukses, orang2 akan berkata.. woww... hebat sekali kamu.

Aku tegaskan, aku bukan orang yang berada, sebelumnya. Aku terlahir di keluarga yang biasa2 saja, dan aku tidak terlalu pintar di sekolah, oleh karena itu aku berusaha untuk belajar. Masa mudaku tidak sekolah di sekolah yang bagus. Bahkan aku gagal dalam memperoleh pekerjaan, masuk kuliah, dan lain2. Ada satu hal yang aku pelajari, yaitu kenapa kamu bisa mendapatkan kesempatan untuk jadi sukses? Setiap orang harus terbiasa dengan kegagalan. Bukan malah terbiasa untuk diterima oleh orang lain, ide2nya. Kenapa orang lain harus membantumu? Engkau harus menempatkan diri di tempat yang tepat, kenapa engkau layak untuk ditolong. Jadi jangan menyerah.. ketika kesempatanmu belum datang. Justru ketika ada orang yang mengkritikmu, kesempatan itu terang benderang mendatangimu. 

Planning for ten years

I always thought, when i was young, when i was gradual in high school or university, I thought Bill Gates took up my job, Bill Gates did all succesful things. Larry Ellison from the Oracle, they took the wonderful opportunities, IBM benefit. We People have no opportunity. And I think I aim too high, i should aim to support and helped the people around me to tiny things, I never thought i could be today. After 18years Alibaba becomes today's size.
Not because i'm smart, i don't think i'm a smart person, but i worked a lot of smart people. And Most of smart people to do succesful things, quick easy things. And I think is not easy to be succesful quickly. Everytime, everything we do, we prepare for ten years. I know i'm not smart. If we want to be succesful, we have to win ten years later. 

Saat masih muda, saat baru lulus SMA, saat seusia anak kuliah, aku berpikir bahwa Bill Gates telah mengambil jatah pekerjaanku. Bill Gates adalah orang yang sangat sukses sekali. Larry Ellison yang merupakan pendiri Oracle, itu juga mengambil begitu baik kesempatan yang ada, termasuk IBM benefit. 

Kita seakan2 tidak punya kesempatan, dan kupikir ini tujuanku terlalu tinggi. Aku harus bermanfaat untuk mensupport orang di sekitarku, dengan hal2 yang kecil. Dan tak berpikir untuk bisa jadi sebesar sekarang. Setelah 18tahun, Alibaba menjadi sebesar ini. Ini semua BUKAN karena aku cerdas, tetapi aku bekerjasama dengan banyak orang pintar. Dan kebanyakan orang pintar itu ingin sukses dengan cara yang mudah. Dan aku pikir, tidak ada cara yang mudah untuk sukses secara cepat. Setiap waktu, setiap hal yang kita kerjakan, kita menyiapkanya untuk sepuluh tahun ke depan. Aku tahu, aku bukanlah orang yang pintar. Jika kita ingin menjadi orang yang sukses, kita harus mempersiapkan hal yang baik dalam sepuluh tahun ke depan. 

Work with Smart

If we want to be succesful, we have to work with smart people. If we want to be succesful, we should make a lot of mistakes, and never give up. A lot of people, they make mistakes, make problem, they give up. We never give up, we learned from mistakes. And I think when we fill the message, the experience, that i want to give a device i give you. You were judged the person will be succesful not by where he fell he thinks his fault or the other fault. If he thinks my fail  because of the others, this guy has no chance.
Those people who fail, always think, hmmm this is my fault. I do not do  properly. I Should change care a change there, these guys, have opportunities. So I learn a lot, from those people, who fail. I learn a lot from those people who made mistakes. I learn a lot from my mistakes. 

Jack Maa's Life Attitude

So this is my life attitude, when i fail, i say.. see... our fail. When i succeed well i never know, i could be succesful. This make me very positive and optimistic. And because of so many mistakes, too much failure, that make me never complain. Because i get  used to that. We are making mistakes everyday, even to today. We made stupid decisions almost everyday. No body knows, we thought is smart, but finally proved stupid. But we learn, we learn, we do again, we learn, we do again. That's the way, that's the live attitude. Thank you...

Jika kita ingin sukses, kita seharusnya bekerjasama dengan orang yang pintar. Kalau kita ingin sukses, kita juga bisa mengkonversi kesalahan menjadi hal yang bisa menjadi pelajaran, jangan pernah putus asa dengan kesalahan. Banyak orang yang berbuat salah, bikin masalah tetapi dia tidak pernah putus asa. Dia tak pernah putus asa, justru malah belajar dari kesalahan. Aku pikir, jika kita memenuhi syarat, dan punya pengalaman, dan kita butuh sebuah alat untuk itu, aku akan memberikanya. Engkau menilai seseorang akan sukses bukan dari yang mana yang bersalah, kesalahanku? atau kesalahan orang lain? Jika kita termasuk orang yang kesalahanku adalah kesalahan orang lain, maka peluang untuk jadi sukses dari orang itu jadi lebih kecil atau bahkan tidak punya kesempatan untuk sukses. 
Seseorang yang melakukan kesalahan, dan berkata.. oh ini karena aku yang salah. Aku tidak sesuai prosedur melakukanya, atau lemah dalam hal ini itu. Maka aku akan memperbaikinya disini, dan memperbaiki caranya begini, maka orang itu sangat berpeluang untuk sukses. Jadi aku sangat mempelajari / belajar atas orang yang pernah melakukan kesalahan. 

Ini adalah sikap saya dalam hidup ini, ketika saya melakukan kesalahan, lihatlah... ini karena salah kita. Tetepi ketika kita bisa melewati masalah, aku tak pernah tahu bagaimana aku bisa melewatinya seperti ini. Hal ini menjadikan saya positif dan optimis, Oleh karenanya, saya tidak pernah komplain kepada orang lain atas kesalahan dan kegagalan yang pernah kita buat. Kenapa demikian, karena saya sudah terbiasa dengan hal itu. 
Kita itu melakukan kesalahan hampir setiap hari, bahkan sampai hari ini. Kita telah melakukan keputusan yang salah, kita bisa mengakuinya bahkan ketika tidak ada seorang pun tahu itu. Kita sebelumnya berpikir bahwa kita melakukan hal yang baik, tetapi setelahnya terbukti kalau kita telah melakukan keputusan yang konyol. Hal itu tidak membuat kita putus asa, kita pelajari itu, kemudian bangkit untuk berusaha lagi, pelajari lagi, bangkit berusaha lagi. Itulah bagaimana kita hidup di dunia ini, seharusnya...

That Alibaba was born in China but it was created for the whole world so can you tell us what Alibaba does now outside of China and in particular in Russia.

Basic to Start Bussiness

Yeah Alibaba start from 

  • no money, 
  • no technology, 
  • no people 

in my apartment. Eighteen people decide that we want to using Internet technology to help small business that was the idea after 18 years we grow from 18 people to today close to 60,000 people. It is really not easy but we survived today we are one of the biggest Internet companies in the world. I think we're lucky we made so many mistakes but we still survive. How can you be continued to be lucky that is the question keep on asking me. I think if you want to continue to be lucky you have to give your luck to the others. You give luck to the others you help others the opera's in the future will help you that was my our thinking in the past 10 years

Alibaba bermula tanpa uang, tanpa teknologi, tanpa banyak orang, yaitu di apartemen saya. 18 Orang yang kita ingin menggunakan teknologi internet untuk membantu UMKM, itu ide sebelumnya. Setelah delapan belas tahun berlalu, 18 orang itu berubah menjadi 60000 orang. Ini bener2 tidak mudah untuk tetap bertahan sampai sekarang sebagai salah satu perusahaan terbesar yang menggunakan teknologi internet. Aku kira kita beruntung banget, kita melakukan banyak kesalahan, tetapi kita bisa bertahan sampai sekarang. BAGAIMANA kalian bisa terus menerus beruntung (lucky)? itu adalah pertanyaanya. Aku pikir, ketika engkau ingin terus beruntung, maka bagikan keuntungan anda kepada orang lain, manfaat  yang kita punya ke orang lain. Engkau memberi, kepada orang lain, menolong orang lain, maka


Alibaba was born in China but Alibaba should not be a Chinese company. The name the day when I choose the name Alibaba, Alibaba is not a Chinese name. It's a Arabic name and Iran, someone said it's an ironic name turkey, says turkey name. I don't I don't know where name but it's the name from Alibaba 1001 mistake or Alibaba 1001 nights the story we want to make this company a company the boy in China enable the world helping the global young company. Young people as I said that every century. 

There is a company for the century Microsoft was the company of last century as a greatcentury IBM was a company of the century what is the company of this century too diverse this entry and I think is we should not think about Alibaba. We should always we make money surf Chinese we should make the money serve the world serve this century this only think in that way we can do more our company today is big but compared to yesterday it was big but compared to tomorrow it is still a tiny company the world changes so fast so this is our thinking we want to make Alibaba be the company of the century we want to make Alibaba the company supporting global small medium-sized companies we want to make this company supporting global young people and we want to make this company to making sure women can have more jobs online because people don't care your woman or man online this is what we want to do and we're doing a lot outside China Southeast Asia we are also doing lot in Indian we just started do more in America and they and also Canada in Russia we have a small business that's called Aliexpress maybe I'll Express here is very big by Inca in our company probably less than 1% of our business out Express but Aliexpress is not our main purpose of doing business in Russia we do not want to be a Russian ecommerce company we are not ecommerce company we help other company become ecommerce we hope what we want to do in Russia we want the helping Russia to build up the logistic system Russia is so big deliver things so difficult oh I cannot imagine I met some Russian girls two years ago I say do you use Aliexpress yes I say how long what about the speed of delivery they say it's great I said what a me but great she said only 45 days I mean greater is 45 minutes not 45 days now we reduce from 45 days to 15 days but that is not enough Russia should have a modern logistics system that it be able to deliver within 48 hours or 72 hours anywhere any place in Russia where you place order online we should get it within 72 hours and this should be using technology this is your opportunity young people because Russia logistics terrible and you have the chance if it registers good we have no chance we should a beautiful the lot of the payment online payment today in China the mobile phone payment so popular I went to see few weeks ago I saw some beggars on the street you are you back money they use zipper como by phone because people don't have pocket of money so we in Russia we should have built up a good payment system I'm payment system that every young people can receive money pay money at the lowest cost every young people should be able to reach financial assistance and we should build up Russia's odd Express we should build up a Russia this is what we want to do I'm okay weather are expressed someday in Russia no business but we should have loved rushing young people to develop its own logistic on e-commerce platform I'll put the payment platform we would love to join this force this is what we've been doing in the past two years but come to the Moscow University I have I have a personal and dream in past two years because I'm not a good at a mess but computer size big cloud computing the basic is by the math physics is about computing technology Moscow University I think you guys have the best of physics to scientist and mathematics so I would hope that Alibaba we just announced two weeks ago that we invested 15 billion u.s. dollars on building up a lab to solve the problem for future solve the problem for the world economy and social. science so we hope that in Russia in Moscow we can build a lab that work with the young excellent mathematicians from Russia young physicist scientist from Russia we work together China Russia young people young scientists working together solve problem for future and I wanted an ask here our CTO of chief technology officer is coming to Moscow universe very soon and we want a high as many young people as possible joining you don't have to work in China if you don't like but if you love to work in China we are very happy you can work our office here and join together for cloud computing big data for the future and artificial intelligence and machine intelligence this is something we want to do in Russia and this is something we want to do together with Moscow University that with your talents here we have technology we have data we have consumers we have a little bit money you have talents we work together we can do something really big in this way we can make Alibaba the company of the century [Applause]

like I would like to hear your thoughts on technology today many people are weary of it and especially about the impact of artificial intelligence onjobs and society what are your thoughts on this Jackie abortion facility special Nene initial technology Minogue is just biot-savart Cervino Steve Lee Anya is good to know in select an abortion mr. e options of Salim still do internet a shot don't worry about the future all right don't worry about technology let me tell you one thing when you worryabout the future that is because you are lack of confidence you lack of imagination we don't have I may not have the solution for future but there is a solution for
