Healing System . Your body has its own innate healing system, which is way way more powerful than any drug ever invented. And can reverse almost every disease.... What are three to five top benefits of this whole ecosystem of fasting? So we're gonna get into all the nitty-gritty of all the ways to access your body's healing system through focusing on when you eat calorie restriction ketogenic diets. we're gonna go all into that. But at a high level your body has its own innate healing system which is way way more powerful than any drug ever invented. And can reverse almost every disease if we know how to activate it. And so all these approaches that are being heavily researched. And we are incredibly powerful do very similar things. Tubuh kita memiliki sistem penyembuhan bawaannya sendiri, yang jauh lebih hebat dibandingkan obat apa pun yang pernah ditemukan. Dan dapat menyembuhkan hampir semua penyakit.......